ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

ॐ जय जगदीश हरे,
स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे |
भक्त जनों के संकट,
दास जनों के संकट,
क्षण में दूर करे |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Om Jai Jagadiish Hare
Swaami Jai Jagadiish Hare |
Bhakta Jano Ke Sankatt,
Daas Janon Ke Sankatt,
Kssann Me Duur Kare |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe,
Swami, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe,
The difficulties of Your devotees,
The difficulties of Your servants,
You remove in an instant.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

जो ध्यावे फल पावे,
दुःखबिन से मन का,
स्वामी दुःखबिन से मन का |
सुख सम्पति घर आवे,
सुख सम्पति घर आवे,
कष्ट मिटे तन का |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Jo Dhyaave Phal Paave,
Duhkh-Bin Se Man Kaa,
Swaami Duhkh-Bin Se Man Kaa |
Sukh Sampati Ghar Aave,
Sukh Sampati Ghara Aave,
Kasstta Mitte Tan Kaa |
Om Jai Jagadiisha Hare ||


Whoever meditates on You will get Your grace,
Whoever meditates with a mind free of sorrows,
Swami, with a mind free of sorrows.
Joy and Prosperity will come to them,
Joy and Prosperity will come to them,
And distress of body (and mind) will be relieved.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

मात पिता तुम मेरे,
शरण गहूं किसकी,
स्वामी शरण गहूं मैं किसकी |
तुम बिन और न दूजा,
तुम बिन और न दूजा,
आस करूं मैं जिसकी |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Maat Pitaa Tum Mere,
Sharann Gahuu Kiskii,
Swaami Sharann Gahuu Maim Kiskii |
Tum Bin Aur Na Duujaa,
Tum Bin Aur Na Duujaa,
Aas Karuu Mai Jiskii |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


You are my Father and Mother,
And my refuge,
Swami, You are my refuge.
Apart from You there is none else,
Swami, there is none else,
I aspire for.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

तुम पूरण परमात्मा,
तुम अन्तर्यामी,
स्वामी तुम अन्तर्यामी |
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर,
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर,
तुम सब के स्वामी |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Tum Puurann Paramaatmaa,
Tum Antarayaamii,
Swaami Tum Antarayaamii |
Paarabrahma Parameshwar,
Paarabrahma Parameshwar,
Tum Sab Ke Swaami |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


You are the Puran Paramatma,
You are the indweller of everyone,
Swami, You are the indweller of everyone.
You are the Parabrahman and Parama Ishwara (Supreme God),
You are the Parabrahman and Parama Ishwara (Supreme God),
You are the Lord of everyone.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

तुम करुणा के सागर,
तुम पालनकर्ता,
स्वामी तुम पालनकर्ता |
मैं मूरख फलकामी
मैं सेवक तुम स्वामी,
कृपा करो भर्ता |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Tum Karunnaa Ke Saagar,
Tum Paalan-Kartaa,
Swami Tum Paalan-Kartaa |
Mai Muurakh Phala-Kaamii
Mai Sevak Tum Swami,
Krpaa Karo Bhartaa |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


You are the ocean of Compassion,
You are the nurturer of everyone,
Swami, You are the nurturer of everyone,
I am ignorant and go after desires,
I am Your servant and You are my Lord,
Therefore shower Your grace on me, O Master.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

तुम हो एक अगोचर,
सबके प्राणपति,
स्वामी सबके प्राणपति |
किस विधि मिलूं दयामय,
किस विधि मिलूं दयामय,
तुमको मैं कुमति |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Tum Ho Ek Agocar,
Sabke Praann-Pati,
Swami Sabake Praann-Pati |
Kis Vidh Miluu Dayaamay,
Kisa Vidh Miluu Dayaamay,
Tumko Mai Kumati |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


You are the one Unseen,
And the Lord of all lives,
Swami, the Lord of all lives.
How shall I meet You, O Merciful One,
How shall I meet You,
I am an ignorant.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

दीन-बन्धु दुःख-हर्ता,
ठाकुर तुम मेरे,
स्वामी रक्षक तुम मेरे |
अपने हाथ उठाओ,
अपने शरण लगाओ
द्वार पड़ा तेरे |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Diina-Bandhu Dukh-Hartaa,
Thaakur Tuma Mere,
Swami Rakssak Tum Mere |
Apne Haath Utthaao,
Apne Sharann Lagaao
Dwaar Paddaa Tere |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


You are the friend of the helpless, and the remover of sorrows,
You are my Lord,
Swami, You are my Protector.
Please raise Your hand (of varada, boon-giving and abhaya, fear-dispelling),
And take me under Your protection.
I surrender myself at Your feet,
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

विषय-विकार मिटाओ,
पाप हरो देवा,
स्वमी पाप हरो देवा |
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ,
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ,
सन्तन की सेवा |
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे ||

Vissay-Vikaar Mittaao,
Paap Haro Devaa,
Swami Paap Haro Devaa |
Shraddhaa Bhakti Baddhaaao,
Shraddhaa Bhakti Baddhaaao,
Santan Kii Sevaa |
Om Jai Jagadiish Hare ||


Remove my worldly desires,
And remove my sins, O Deva,
And remove my sins, O Swami,
Increase my faith and devotion towards You,
Increase my faith and devotion towards You,
And the devotional service of this servant.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.

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